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La Alianza Ministerial Internacional

Nuestra alianza esta registrada en el estado de Texas bajo el nombre de:

The Ministerial Alliance for Education, Evangelism, and Discipleship.

A través de la acción de esta alianza ministerial, somos una organización de iglesias y ministerios, llamados por Dios, una familia dentro de la familia de Dios. Reconocemos el llamado de Dios en cada ministerio y en quienes los apoyan. Nuestro propósito es extender una mano de ayuda para aconsejar, apoyar académicamente, animar y fortalecer el uno al otro a través de relación y compañerismo. Esta Alianza Ministerial está diseñada para ofrecer  Educación Teológica, como también enfatizar el  Evangelismo y Discipulado, y por último, brindar apoyo en el área de Consejería Ministerial.  Estamos aquí para usted, para que usted pueda estar allí (donde está)  para otros.

Moedim Ministries and Academic Association, Inc.

Ecclesiastical Endorsement



Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counseling and Clinical Education. Those who serve in Specialized Ministry reach directly into the primary social structures and institutions of our world. As they encounter people in the midst of these everyday settings, those who serve in chaplaincy, pastoral counseling and clinical education seek to extend the love of God in Jesus Christ to all people at the point of their deepest need. Specialized ministers are witnesses of the Gospel in a context of mercy. Specialized Ministry (SM)

  1. Rooted in the Gospel “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). The focus of Specialized Ministry (SM) begins in the love of God in Jesus Christ and intersects with human need through the care of the soul. These ministries are missional by nature and are a part of the church’s witness and mercy outreach to the ill, the imprisoned, the elderly, the troubled, the conflicted, the weary, the tired, and the afflicted.
  2. Diverse, Scattered and Specialized. In touching lives at so many points of mission, specialized ministers are diverse, specialized and geographically scattered. They extend into such settings as health care, long-term care, mental health, corrections, pastoral counseling, clinical education, rehabilitation and physical medicine, hospice, substance abuse, developmental disability, emergency services and work- place ministry.

Specialized ministers assist persons in their relationship to God, to others, and in understanding themselves in the midst of need. Those involved in these ministries declare and demonstrate Christ’s love by providing spiritual and pastoral care, advocacy and opportunities for service.

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide:

Consistency and continuity with MMAA doctrines of ministry and the authority of those who minister, as defined in ecclesiastical endorsement.

Policies, processes and procedures to assure and uphold the standards and criteria for ecclesiastical endorsement.

Qualifying criteria for call or appointment or other means of formal ecclesiastical relationships for positions of service in chaplaincy, pastoral counseling, and clinical education ministries, including roles and responsibilities for accountability.

Guidance for seeking consultation for readiness to enter into specialized training to become an institutional or emergency service chaplain, pastoral counselor and/or clinical educator, or redirection in a field of specialized ministry.

Additions for criteria and procedures for ecclesiastical endorsement in regard to: Evaluating educational preparation; Peer review and continuing education; Reinstatement; Selection of conveners and consultation committee members; Appealing SM consultation committee recommendations; Appealing SM consultation committee recommendations.

  1. Ecclesiastical Endorsement: Definition, Roles, Core Standards and Procedures
  2. Definition of Ecclesiastical Endorsement

3. Benefit of Ecclesiastical Endorsement

Ecclesiastical endorsement is the recognition by Moedim Ministries and Academic Association, Inc. (MMAA) that a rostered person has met MMAA standards for theological and ministerial competence to serve in ministries in chaplaincy, pastoral counseling and clinical pastoral education. It attests to the church body’s assessment that an individual possesses the suitability, readiness, competence and aptitude to serve as its representative in a particular ministry. Ecclesiastical endorsement also signifies good standing on the ministry’s roster of ordained, commissioned and consecrated ministers, and as such is subject to the ecclesiastical authority of the church body.

The ecclesiastical endorsement process enables the MMAA to provide guidance and support for persons seeking to enter or serving in SM. The goal is to provide consultation in their consideration of call eligibility, and to individuals who are seeking recognition of their competence to serve in chaplaincy, pastoral counseling and clinical education ministries.

Endorsement through SM means for the MMAA to provide the ecclesiastical endorsement required by professional certifying organizations, and employment organizations.

Ecclesiastical SM endorsement is a function of the Gospel Ministry and therefore is distinguished from the certification and/or credentialing for competence granted by a professional organization. Ecclesiastical endorsement describes MMAA approval of an ordained or commissioned minister serving in non-congregational related specialized ministry settings.

4. Limits of Ecclesiastical Endorsement. Ecclesiastical endorsement does not guarantee that professional certification will be achieved or that a call to serve in chaplaincy, pastoral counseling or clinical education will be issued.

It does not establish an employment, agency or supervisory relationship between the Religious Endorser and the minister receiving the endorsement. It does not imply or assure that the endorsed person has undergone any background or reference checks, screening, psychological testing or evaluation as part of the ecclesiastical endorsement process, though these are all regarded as highly valuable.

The ecclesiastical endorsement process is not the same as, nor is it related to, the Colloquy Committee process.

Ecclesiastical Endorsement

Core Standards. The core standards are considered basic requirements for ecclesiastical endorsement by MMAA. It should be noted that what is required for ecclesiastical endorsement may be different from what is required by an employer or certifying organization. Before seeking employment or certification, the applicant is advised to research the expectations and qualifications of the certifying or employing organizations.

Standard A – Rostering.  All applicants for ecclesiastical endorsement must be rostered, or eligible for active rostering.

Standard B – Congregational Service. The expectation of two years of congregational service is normative. If a calling entity seeks a seminary candidate for SM, a consultation will be encouraged between the appropriate representative of the educational institution and MMAA representative. The SM Office may be the initiator of this consultation. The decision of MMAA and school representative will be final.

Standard C – Education Preparation. It is normative for applicants to have a graduate degree in theology from any Christian seminary or university, unless the applicant is rostered through one of MMAA’s alternate routes. Alternate route candidates will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

In addition, the candidate must complete the required supervised training hours necessary for the type of endorsement being sought. The specific standards for each specialized ministry (institutional chaplain, emergency services chaplain, pastoral counselor and clinical educator) are considered by MMAA. Criteria for evaluating educational preparation are considered by MMAA.

Standard D – Professional Certification/Credentialing. Endorsed specialized ministers are strongly encouraged to obtain certification by an appropriate professional organization. Although not required to retain endorsement in MMAA, professional certification is a highly valued credential and is required for employment in some organizations.

Standard E – Required Written Materials. Materials should be submitted in the following order.

  1. Personal Data Form
  2. A sufficiently detailed personal history essay of the applicant’s life and spiritual journey which addresses significant relationships and experiences, including an understanding of how one’s history impacts and influences one’s ministerial and personal functioning.
  3. Description of the applicant’s vocational goals.
  4. Documentation of the clinical and academic education (e.g., name of college and/or seminary and copy of diploma) that serves as preparation for the ministry for which ecclesiastical endorsement is sought, including supervisory reports and self-evaluations of the educational experiences.
  5. A 1,200– to 1,500–word essay of theology on pastoral care. This essay should address how the applicant understands Christian chaplaincy, pastoral counseling or clinical education as a ministry of the Body of Christ, including attention to its contribution to the church’s mission. The essay should develop a Pentecostal or Orthodox theological framework for specialized ministry that addresses the effects of sin upon creation, justification, the proper distinction between Law and Gospel in the care of souls, the applicant’s religious/pastoral identity, the use of religious resources in ministry, etc.
  6. Two recent descriptions or verbatims of visits/relationships that demonstrate the applicant’s integration and application of theological and ministerial understandings in the specific ministry for which ecclesiastical endorsement is sought. Verbatims/case studies should include a description of how the applicant prepared for the visit, observations, applicant’s reason for presenting the verbatim, spiritual assessment and theological reflections, analysis and critical review of applicant’s ministry (including alternate interventions, if any).

The applicant should also note any systemic or contextual support or injustice that may have been present and if or how it was addressed. Finally, the verbatim/case study should include a plan for follow up ministry.

  1. An evaluation by the MMAA president indicating the applicant’s current roster status.
  2. Manuscript or extensive notes of a recent sermon, devotion or Bible study.

Standard F – Ministerial and Theological Competence. The SM Consultation Committee will use the following criteria to determine readiness for ecclesiastical endorsement. The candidate is invited to demonstrate readiness through the written materials, as well as when interacting with the committee. Although the SM Consultation Committee will be present to provide support, guidance and consultation, it is also charged with the task of assessing a candidate’s level of theological and ministerial competence in the area of specialized ministry for which one is seeking endorsement.

Criteria used for reviewing the candidate:

Ministerial/Religious Identity.

Develop a clear formation and integration of MMAA identity with personal and ministerial functioning.

Be prepared to identify what makes you uniquely MMAA in your identity as a minister who is seeking to be formally recognized as a specialized minister, and then how that identity impacts your ministry.

Interpersonal Competence Demonstrate the ability to form personal and pastoral care relationships that show respect to others, the ability to be empathetic and compassionate, emotionally available and sensitive to the joys and struggles of persons as appropriate within the ministerial role.

Theological Competence Articulate and demonstrate particular MMAA doctrines of faith that inform and guide your ministry. Be prepared to show your ability to address pastoral care and ethical issues from a MMAA perspective with attention to your ministry setting.

Self-Awareness Demonstrate awareness of the influence of your history, faith journey and personality, in the use of “self” in ministry. You should also be able to demonstrate an ability to critique yourself and establish healthy boundaries for ministerial relationships and self-care.

SM Code of Ethics Acknowledge understanding of, and adherence to, the SM Code of Ethics

Authority and Leadership Articulate and appropriately claim your professional and per-sonal authority and leadership in service of the Gospel. Give evidence of your ability to respectfully engage in intervention or advocacy on behalf of others.

Educational Competence Demonstrate the ability to communicate as an educator and consultant in your area of expertise (SM specialty) with peers, fellow staff, community religious leaders and the com- munity at large.

Integrative Competence Provide evidence of the integration of clinical knowledge and method with theological and ministerial understandings of the human condition (e.g., the way people may think, feel, behave in circumstances of crisis, suffering, trauma, etc.), and the way in which a specialized minister might intervene.

Standards and Criteria for Ecclesiastical Endorsement for Ministries in Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counseling and Clinical Education

  1. Ministry in Institutional Chaplaincy
  2. Description

Chaplaincy is a ministry of the church that is missional in nature and is characterized contextually in a wide variety of diverse and specialized settings. This expression of ministry embodies the church’s initiative in ministry, among others, to the ill, the imprisoned, the elderly, the troubled, the conflicted, the afflicted and the addicted. Ecclesiastically endorsed MMAA chaplains offer a particular ministry to persons in pluralistic and multi-cultural contexts that are characterized and undergirded by Christian theology and traditions. Such ministry contexts include, but are not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and jails, medical facilities, work-place sites, hospice centers, etc.

Specific Criteria and Standards

Articulate an understanding and integration of Moedim Ministries and Academic Association, Inc. theology that undergirds one’s ministry in a chaplaincy setting, and yet demonstrates an openness and sensitivity to all faith groups.

Articulate and demonstrate a ministerial ability to utilize the expressions of the MMAA in chaplaincy ministry, i.e., prayer, sacraments, scripture, rites and rituals.

Demonstrate an ability to provide competent ministry in a pluralistic, multi-cultural and multi-disciplined environment.

Demonstrate an ability to provide competent ministry in a pluralistic, multi-cultural and multi-disciplined environment.

Develop and foster collaborative relationships with community clergy and faith group leaders.

Give evidence that consideration has been given to pursuing certification from a professional chaplaincy organization, such as:

American Correctional Chaplain’s Association (ACCA);  Association of Professional Chaplains (APC);   College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP); National Institute of Business and Industrial Chaplains (NIBIC); United States Military Family Life Chaplains.

Ministry in Emergency Services Chaplaincy

  1. Description

Emergency services chaplains provide emotional and spiritual care and support to members of law enforcement, emergency medical services and fire services. Emergency services chaplains may serve local, state and federal agencies. Expectations of the chaplain will vary from agency to agency. Because there are significant differences in the culture between law enforcement and fire personnel, it is critical that the chaplain understands the differences.

Duties may include making death notifications to citizens and agency families, participating in ceremonies, teaching classes related to chaplaincy, making visits to hospitalized personnel, conducting funeral services of officers and personnel, and participating in ride along with police and fire officers. Chaplains trained in critical incident stress management may conduct interventions following traumatic incidents and/or natural disasters.

  1. Specific Criteria, Standards and Training

Demonstrate that the applicant has met MMAA SM’s core standards for theological and ministerial competency as an emergency services chaplain.

Specific training requirements: 49 hours for law enforcement chaplaincy or 47 hours for fire chaplaincy to qualify for ecclesiastical endorsement. Specific course work and training: Pastoral Care and Intervention Skills (lectures and demonstration) — 4 hours; Pastoral Care Intervention Skills (supervised practice) — 6 hours. Ethics in chaplaincy— 3 hours; National Incident Management System — 3 hours each = 6 hours; International Critical Incident Stress Foundation; Critical Incident Stress Management Group Crisis Intervention — 14 hours; Sensitivity and Diversity — 2 hours; Fire Chaplaincy (Specific courses for endorsement as a fire chaplain):

– Personhood of the Fire Chaplain — 2 hours

– Ministry to Firefighters — 2 hours

– Ministry to Crisis Victims — 2 hours

– Fire Chaplain Operations — 2 hours

– Firefighter Injury or Death — 2 hours

– Death Notice — 2 hours

 Law Enforcement Chaplaincy (Specific courses for endorsement as a law enforcement chaplain):

 – Introduction to Law Enforcement — 2 hours

– Death Notification — 2 hours

– Stress Management — 2 hours

– Responding to Crisis — 2 hours

– Law Enforcement Family/Culture — 2 hours

– Substance Abuse — 2 hours

– Officer Injury and Death — 2 hours

Competency in chaplain ministry is to be demonstrated through the following: one verbatim (use the verbatim outline included in the ecclesiastical endorsement packet.

Provide evidence of two years (minimum) of ministry experience.

Document a minimum of 49 continuing-education contact hours for law enforcement chaplaincy and 47 hours for fire chaplaincy.

Ministry in Pastoral Counseling

  1. Description

Pastoral counseling is a ministry conducted by an authorized representative of the church who establishes a professional therapeutic role using both psychological and theological frames of reference to observe, understand, interpret and foster healing and wholeness in the process. There is a dual nature to the pastoral counselor’s role-identity and expertise.

The pastoral counselor participates fully in a pastoral/theological as well as a counseling/psychological process. As such, a pastoral counselor must be dually credentialed, both by the church body as a rostered minister and by a professional organization or by a government board recognized for certifying competence in counseling.

The roles and responsibilities of the pastoral counselor allow for a wide variety of ministry activities including individual, marriage, family and group counseling, as well as education in mental health, wellness, wholeness and family life. Pastoral counseling, rooted in the Word and Sacrament ministry of the church, is an intrinsic part of the health and healing ministry of the church, seeking to foster spiritual wholeness and mental health as a style of ministry integrated into the total mission of the church.

  1. Specific Criteria and Standards

The minister applying for endorsement to serve as a pastoral counselor should be advised that identifying oneself and serving as a pastoral counselor outside of one’s congregation may not be legal or ethical without appropriate certification from a recognized, professional counseling organization and/or state licensing board.

Counseling certifying organizations include the following:

American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC)

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)

American Psychological Association (APA)

Association of Certified Social Workers (ACSW)

College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP)

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)

Written materials should relate the applicant’s knowledge of contemporary mental health and psychotherapeutic issues, including systemic, social and community concerns, and concepts of health, healing, wellness and wholeness from a pastoral theological perspective.

Ministry in Clinical Education

  1. Description

The ministry of the clinical educator is to teach, guide and supervise those engaged in learning the art of pastoral care in chaplaincy, pastoral counseling and clinical education. Such educators include certified supervisors/educators of the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), American Association for Pastoral Counseling (AAPC) and College of Psychotherapy and Pastoral Supervision (CPSP). Certified clinical educators are clinically trained, knowledgeable about learning theory, competent in program management and have learned the art of supervision through conceptual models from theology, education and the behavioral sciences. Clinical educators seek to help students convert experience into learning in integrative ways, to address issues of theological reflection and ministerial formation and to develop practical skills and tools for ministry. Clinical educators serve not only those preparing for full-time ministries in specialized settings, but also provide pastoral education for parish pastors, lay ministers, deaconesses, seminarian and deaconess students, and laypersons who seek greater competency in a congregation’s ministry of visitation.

  1. Specific Criteria and Standards

Written materials should demonstrate the applicant’s competence and knowledge in educational and supervisory issues, including personal and pastoral formation, theological reflection on whole-person learning, group dynamics, education vs. therapy, basic understanding of an institution as a system, the meaning of prophetic intervention, and interfaith and multicultural ministry.

The pastoral relationship descriptions should reflect competence and skill in educational ministry and the ability to maintain one’s identity and authority as an educator/supervisor.

An external certifying credential is required to maintain ecclesiastical endorsement as a clinical educator and may be obtained by a recognized professional organization such as:

American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC)

College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP)

Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. (ACPE)

Professional code of ethics for ministers and of religious endorsement body within Moedim Ministries and Academic Association, Inc.

Code of Ethics:

  1. Prologue. From the fall of humanity until the present, the opportunity to care for the broken of the world has been evident. Throughout his ministry, Jesus modeled intentional and healing care of the soul and directed his followers to do the same. Most theological scholars give an explanation to the fifth commandment, offering this reminder, “We should fear and love God so that we … help and support him (our neighbor) in every physical need.” In addition, it is written on Pastoral Theology, “… a preacher above all has concern for spiritual needs” and also “the needs of the poor, the sick, widows, orphans, the infirm, the destitute, the aged, etc.

Specialized pastoral care ministers, along with all ministers of the Gospel, are privileged to join the company of Christians who from the days of Christ have been propelled by God’s grace to reach out with the love of God to all who are hurting and in need.

  1. Expectations and Guidelines. Upon receiving ecclesiastical endorsement and/or accepting a call into specialized ministry, the ordained or commissioned minister by virtue of the endorsement and/or divine call is obligated to represent the MMAA with integrity and meet other expectations and requirements as outlined within this manual.

Because specialized ministers work in a pluralistic context, it is assumed and expected that specialized ministers will work cooperatively with other faith groups and with denominational specialized ministers without compromising the practice. Thus, specialized ministers must be spiritually mature and confident (without being arrogant) in their MMAA identity and theology.

As part of working and ministering within a variety of contexts and institutions which may or may not be Christian in their mission, the specialized minister is responsible for attending to the spiritual and emotional needs of all people regardless of their faith-identity or lack of it. Arranging for spiritual care (e.g., rituals and resources) from clergy of other church and religious bodies is an expected and understood element of MMAA Specialized Ministry. Thus, as part of their normal ministry, specialized ministers willingly and lovingly work side-by-side with clergy of dissimilar spiritual identity and do so with a positive and helpful attitude without compromising their own convictions.

The MMAA’ Specialized Ministry program is an integral part of their Mission, which recognizes that specialized ministers are witnesses to the Gospel in a context of mercy. That is, chaplains, pastoral counselors and clinical educators can — by the guidance of the Holy Spirit as well as with grace and appropriateness — share the Gospel of Jesus and live the love of Christ as they go about their specialized duties. Indeed, there are countless opportunities to minister to the unchurched along with nurturing the faith of those within the body of Christ. Specialized ministers serve in complex, pluralistic religious environments and must exercise a keen sense of pastoral discretion. They must deftly apply the axiom to “cooperate without compromise.”

Ordained specialized ministers, as ministers of mercy in service to the Gospel, will have opportunities to baptize, to commune, to perform a funeral service, and to perform a marriage. Such ministry opportunities call for pastoral judgment from the specialized ministers whose theological foundation is solidly based on Holy Scripture, and whose pastoral practice remains committed to the ministry guidelines of the MMAA.

Worship and Ministry Privileges and Limitations

Because MMAA specialized ministers are ministers of the Gospel, it is appropriate to seek out opportunities to lead worship and teach Bible class whenever possible. Within the complex and diverse settings in which specialized ministers serve, worship (especially) is to be structured in a way that as many people as possible would be served and edified by the Word of God, and able to hear Law and Gospel — faithfully proclaimed in all its truth and in accord with the confessional vows of specialized ministers.

When opportunities present themselves for specialized ministers to baptize infants or adults, it is to the benefit of the baptized who have no church affiliation, that they be referred when possible to an MMAA affiliated congregation where they can be nurtured and brought up in the Christian faith and grow into disciples of Jesus. The same can be said when ministering to others who are present at other religious services conducted by the specialized minister.

  1. Ministry and Accountability. As an ordained or commissioned rostered worker within the MMAA, the specialized minister is to be in an ecclesiastical supervisory relationship with his/her representative. As part of this accountability, the specialized minister is to be an active member of a local congregation and, when possible, participate in circuit pastors’ conferences or an equivalent gathering of MMAA professional church workers. As with all ordained and commissioned ministers, when possible, specialized ministers are expected to participate in any Christian conferences for professional church workers. Clergy are strongly encouraged to participate in counseling meetings.

The specific behaviors named below are based on the codes of ethics from the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Association of Professional Chaplains, American Association of Pastoral, “Commitments of the Shepherd: Principles of Conduct for Ordained Ministers of the Gospel.” For additional study and clarification, the specialized minister is advised to study the original documents. If there is ever a conflict between what is directed by one’s professional organization and what is directed by the MMAA’ “Principles of Conduct” or SM Code of Ethics, the MMAA specialized minister is expected to follow the direction of the MMAA. If it should happen that one finds his/her conscience in conflict with the MMAA, let this conflict be experienced as encouragement to seek pastoral supervision and guidance from the SM staff.

In relationship to those served, the specialized minister:

Affirms and respects the human dignity and individual worth of each person.

Does not discriminate against anyone who is in need of specialized pastoral ministry.

Respects the integrity and welfare of those served or supervised, refraining from disparagement and avoiding emotional, sexual or any other kind of exploitation.

Approaches the religious convictions of a person, group and/or student with respect and sensitivity; avoids the imposition of her or his theology on those served or supervised.

Respects confidentiality to the extent permitted by law, regulations or other applicable rules, and ordination vows.

In relationship to other groups, the specialized minister:

Maintains good standing in his or her home church and MMAA.

Abides by the professional practice and/or teaching standards of the state, the community and the institution in which he or she is called/employed. If, for any reason, she or he is not free to practice or teach according to conscience, the SM shall notify the MMAA office.

Maintains professional relationships with other persons in the institution in which she or he serves, within the community, and the church body.

Does not directly or by implication claim professional qualifications that exceed actual qualifications or misrepresent his or her affiliation with any institution, organization or individual; is responsible for correcting the misrepresentation or misunderstanding of his or her professional qualifications or affiliations.

In relationship to the MMAA, the specialized minister:

Continues professional education and growth, including participation in MMAA programs when possible.

Intentionally ministers within the bounds of the MMAA’s doctrine and practice.

Does not intentionally make false, misleading or incomplete statements about one’s work or ethical or moral behavior when questioned by his or her colleagues or ecclesiastical supervisor.

In collegial relationships, the specialized minister:

Respects the integrity and welfare of colleagues; maintains professional relationships on a professional basis, refraining from disparagement and avoiding emotional, sexual or any other kind of exploitation.

Shall take collegial and responsible action when concerns about incompetence, impairment or misconduct arise.

In the conduct of business matters, the specialized minister:

Carries out administrative responsibilities in a timely and professional manner.

Implements sound fiscal practices, maintains accurate financial records and protects the integrity of funds entrusted to his or her care.

Distinguishes private opinions from those of the MMAA, the organization or institution to which he or she is called/employed in all publicity, public announcements or publications.

In relationship with God — and by the power and care of the Holy Spirit — the specialized minister:

Relies on God’s grace, remembers his/her baptism, remains in the Word and the Lord’s Supper, has the mind of a servant, repents from sin and lives in forgiveness.